Monday, August 3, 2009

Alaska or Bust

I had this really long checklist, started a year ago when I learned that I'd be representing WCRB on a listener cruise to Alaska, that I felt sure would get done, considering the lead time. Not only did I not lose 50 pounds, memorize the history of Alaska, and learn absolutely everything there is to learn about dog sledding (I can assure you the list was about 4 pages long, single spaced) I have been scrambling right up until this afternoon to get everything done that needs to be done---taking care of (not in any particular order) my parents, passport renewals, securing home, tomato plants, window boxes, U.S. mail, shopping (I feel that my family alone has stimulated the economy into absolute giddiness---who would have thought we had to pack for summer and winter in the same vacation?), WCRB production work, bills, prescriptions, mailing out birthday cards so we don't miss special dates, cleaning out the fridge of potential "science projects," well, you get the idea. Hubs, child and I are so exhausted from all the "to do's" getting done on the list. There is still some left-over packing to finish...and then...look out Alaska, here we come. We won't be the most rested travelers Alaska has ever hosted...but we're certainly going to be among the most enthusiastic. The WCRB listeners who signed up for this trip are already there...having started last week on a luxury coach tour through the NorthWest. We'll all meet up on the ship and if I can figure out how to do it I'll try to remember to send photos for our station Facebook page. I can't wait to meet my "Inaugural WCRB Travel Club" members (that's what I'm calling this venture---I want to do a trip a year... hint, hint, Boss) and explore the 49th state. I can't wait to see and do it all....and then I'll share it with you, right here, in about a week. I'll miss all of you and your warm voice mails, snail mails and e-mails...but I'll come back on August 17th with stories to share. Please say a prayer we (all) have a safe trip--I'd appreciate that.
'Til next time,